The Nisbet Trust

Applying for a Grant

Applying for a grant

We have a two-stage process. Please review our guidance and if you plan to apply, send a brief enquiry by email in the first instance, to the Trust Director (

This should briefly outline your request and the amount you wish to apply for. At this stage a few sentences are ideal. We will ask for additional information if we need it.

There are two levels of grant:

  • Small – up to £10,000
  • Medium – £10,001 to £30,000

Single and multi-year grants for up to three years can be requested.

Applications for a larger amount may be considered for a significant capital project.


Applicants must be a registered charity, exempt charity, or community interest company benefitting communities in the Greater Bristol area.

Community Interest Companies must have been established for at least three years, with an annual income of more than £50,000 which should include at least 25% from trading.


The following are not eligible for support:

  • Medical research
  • Single condition medical charities
  • Grants for Individuals
  • Animal welfare charities
  • Sponsorship

Trustees strongly favour applications from Bristol-based organisations. National charities applying for support for work in Bristol are less likely to be supported.

CICs whose core business model is substantially grant-reliant are unlikely to be successful.


Trustees usually meet quarterly at the end of January, April, July and October.

Application deadlines are 5pm on:

  • Friday, 13th December, 2024
  • Friday, 14th March, 2025
  • Friday, 13th June, 2025
  • Friday, 19th September, 2025


Small & Medium Grants

For single year grants, please send us a brief report via email at the end of your project, or after 12 months if we are supporting core costs. If you wish to reapply, please send your report with your application.

Your report should be no more than 2 pages long and should include both details of the number of people you have supported and the change or outcomes you have achieved with the funding.

For multi-year grants, please send a brief report towards the end of each 12 month period. A specific deadline will be given in your award letter.

Capital Grants

We will agree reporting conditions at the time of our grant.


Download and return the form to complete your application.

Application Guidance


Application form
